Biscarrosse 2013

The Biscarrosse camp is located south of Bordeaux (France).

This year Planète-Sciences celebrated its 50th anniversary of the launch campaign, which gave rise to some additional festivities, in particular "commemorative". See the planete-sciences website:

But apart from these festivities, the launches went smoothly, as well as the traditional animatons activities.

The CLES-FACIL Tornado Project

This year the CLES_FACIL was present with its TORNADO rocket which had as objectives to measure the traction exerted by the parachute on the attachment in the rocket, then to record the vibrations at the level of the ailerons and finally to eject the warhead to climax. This last experiment could not lead to the Detrona rocket


Tornade 2

Last settings

Tornade 1

Electronic controls

Mecanical controls

View of the vibration sensors attached to a fin

Folding the parachute before the simulated flight test

Ready to go down to the ramp

The traditional family photo

The Ramp is erected

Take off

Recovery of the rocket

Successful launch for Tornade, which had the honor of the visit of Geneviève Fioraso, Minister of Higher Education and Research, Alain Vidalies, Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament and Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of CNES .

Finally, this project also won the CNES prize.

The vidéo of the launch

Water rocket demonstration

For my part, I mainly did water rocket animations and, as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, I demonstrated water rockets, starting from the simplest to the most complex (2-stage rocket).

Speech by JC Guiraudon, the first director of Planète-Sciences (which at the time was called the National Association of Scientific Clubs: ANCS)


On the ramp wait for rocket N ° 2, very simple, but with a parachute recovery system.

While Jean Claude finishes his speech, we begin the preparations for the launch, unless it is to force JC to finish his speech, that we begin the preparations :-).

In the foreground my magnificent suitcase in which I store the ramp and its accessories (pump, garden sprayer, pipes, string, ...), the wooden box where I store the rockets and the first rocket to have been launched for this demo, Alpha 01 which is just a 1.5l bottle with 4 cardboard fins and a cone made from the top of a bottle (green cap).

Pret ?

After launching the second rocket, with parachute recovery ended up in a tree

Fusée dans l'arbre

Third rocket: Double bottle tank of 1.5l so 3l of capacity, with of course a parachute recovery system


For this third rocket, the parachute folding operation.

All rockets have been launched successfully.

Pliage parachute

Even if some ended up in the trees requiring the intervention of the base firefighters to recover them.